
Civil Engineering Business

Enhances disaster-resistant urban functions and actively introduces safe construction technology.

Major projects delivered by the Civil Engineering Business

Points of the Civil Engineering Business


Metal-road method

Used for road widening on steep slopes

Also called a three-dimensional rigid-frame prefab plank bridge using hot-rolled H steel beams, this method is suitable for road widening on narrow, steep sloping ground, such as in coastal or mountainous areas. The pile secured to the supporting layer and the beams jointed perpendicular to the floor ensure high load bearing. Since this method requires less excavation and back-filling, the impact on the natural landscape or ecological environment is minimized.

Metal-road method

IN-situ Stabilized Excavated Material (INSEM) method

Reuse collapsed dirt

This method selects earth and gravel caused by heavy rain, mixes the earth and gravel into cement, and reuses it as INSEM material. This INSEM material is used to fill a double wall that consists of an upstream wall made of steel sheet piles and a downstream wall made of expanded metal. It delivers the same strength as a gravity dam.

IN-situ Stabilized Excavated Material (INSEM) method

Seismic reinforcement

Reinforcing civil engineering structures with steel material

Railway structures require higher quake resistance than other facilities. Seismic reinforcement improves quake resistance by placing steel material on the columns and walls of structures such as tunnels, subway viaducts, and bridges. This construction is feasible in narrow locations or even when there are obstructions around the site. It is highly strong and also cost-effective.

Seismic reinforcement